L’UE dichiara guerra agli accordi Stato/Impresa

L’Unione Europea vuole che gli Stati membri rendano noti eventuali accordi privilegiati che hanno stipulato con gruppi o multinazionali.

Simili accordi, intesi a riconoscere privilegi fiscali o agevolazioni particolari, violano il diritto comunitario sugli aiuti di stato e avvantaggiano le singole imprese a danno delle altre.

“The European Commission will unveil new proposals to bring secretive “sweetheart” tax deals into the open on Wednesday, with governments asked to reveal details of any agreements with multinationals which could deplete the coffers of other EU nations.

A draft of the new proposals seen by The Independent highlights the problem of “aggressive tax planning”, whereby companies take advantage of loopholes in low-tax nations. While deals must adhere to EU law, it notes that “a lack of transparency regarding such rulings may impact on other countries”.

Under the new proposals, if a government reaches a deal with a company that may impact tax collection in other member states, it is obliged to automatically share details of the transaction with other governments.

The proposals come amid mounting public anger at companies such as Apple and Starbucks exploiting complicated tax structures in countries including Holland, Ireland and Luxembourg to shift their tax bills away from the nations where they do most of their business.”
